Friday, October 29, 2010

Candy and cloth

Well, it's now 36 hours before Halloween and I feel as though I need a bit of confession time. So here I go...

I have eaten nearly 1/2 a bag (a big bag--a Sam's bag) of Halloween candy--a crime not altogether foreign for this holiday, but I've eaten it before Halloween. If I can't engage a wee bit of self-control now, when this candy that I'VE PURCHASED to hand out to the little dears can't be resisted, what about the multitude of delicious pumpkin-shaped Reese's peanut butter cups and mini-packs of KitKats that will soon flood my home? Ugg...not exactly a model of self-control to my children. Maybe next year...or next holiday...but have you noticed how many holidays we manage to celebrate in high-style with candy, sweets and goodies?

I can tackle some things in a timely fashion, and then there are those that get my constant back burner treatment. Anyone that knows me knows that scheduling a babysitter is at the top of that list, but I'm also learning that so does the completion of Halloween costumes. The topic has been discussed for months, the theme picked and yet I am at JoAnne's a mere 6 days before Halloween purchasing fabric. At this point I have 1-1/2 of the 3 Geisha costumes completed that I will need in 36 hours. And I will also mention that the overall construction, absentee pattern and sewing techniques that I have used would leave a home economics teacher quite speechless. So I'm sending out my sincerest apologies to Mrs. Polson. You taught me better. I might try to finish up tonight, but I've got a mini-Hershey's chocolate bar calling my name...

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