Friday, July 16, 2010

A long, hot spell

Well sorry, all. It has been a good long while since I have posted. Can I blame it on the heat? The holiday, or the busyness? My lack of blogging perseverance?

To give a quick catch-up to those that are interested, I have devised a quiz to offer some insight to our last couple of weeks:

In the last two weeks, our household has seen:
A. A tire blow-out
B. Bats in the attic
C. A child with a fever
D. An injured back (not mine!)
E. All of the above

This week was Vacation Bible School and I got to be part of helping 170 children get to know God better through "Galactic Blast" themed crafts. In this week, the following occurred:
A. One child shot glow-in-the-dark bracelet goo into their eye (mine!)
B. Three year olds "Ooh"-ed at the wonder of scratch-off paper
C. Roughly 1000 feet of yarn was used (sorry for all the moms and dads attempting to keep it all untangled)
D. A two year who has never taken well to the Sunday School nursery turned the corner and came to love "school" (mine!)
E. All of the above

My eldest and I completed our second book together this summer for her book club and:
A. It was the first time I've read Black Beauty
B. I cried
C. I have found that I read slower than my fourth-grader
D. We shared a good book discussion with great friends
E. All of the above

The hot, humid temperatures have meant:
A. Ample time blowing up the pool in the backyard
B. A little more indoor time
C. A few more ice cream cones
D. The need for a few more jogs
E. But wait, it's too hot outside for jogging, refer back to C...

Since my last post, I have been able to spend time with the following:
A. My entire extended Parsley family
B. One high school friend
C. Several college friends
D. Tons of post-college friends, including an out-of-stater
E. All of the above

We got to take in some of the wheat harvest, which meant:
A. The girls all rode in a combine
B. Somebody got something in their eye, wheat stubble scratched somebody's legs, and at least one member of the family had to make do with a camping-style outdoor bathroom experience
C. We all saw the amber waves of grain and appreciated what farmers do
D. Daddy got to help on the farm for five days
E. All of the above

The fourth of July was awfully wet, but we still had fun:
A. At our neighborhood parade & breakfast here at the house
B. At a party in Holton with my sister's family
C. Listening to great organ music in church
D. Lighting a few sparklers & enjoying a dinner with friends
E. All of the above

Well, that sums up the past two or three weeks.


  1. My answer to your "quiz" is ALL of the above. Am I right?! Sounds like you've been busy with your three beautiful girls!

  2. Yes, Susan "all of the above" is correct! We hope you and your lovely ladies are doing well and enjoying your summers!
