Well, it's now 36 hours before Halloween and I feel as though I need a bit of confession time. So here I go...
I have eaten nearly 1/2 a bag (a big bag--a Sam's bag) of Halloween candy--a crime not altogether foreign for this holiday, but I've eaten it before Halloween. If I can't engage a wee bit of self-control now, when this candy that I'VE PURCHASED to hand out to the little dears can't be resisted, what about the multitude of delicious pumpkin-shaped Reese's peanut butter cups and mini-packs of KitKats that will soon flood my home? Ugg...not exactly a model of self-control to my children. Maybe next year...or next holiday...but have you noticed how many holidays we manage to celebrate in high-style with candy, sweets and goodies?
I can tackle some things in a timely fashion, and then there are those that get my constant back burner treatment. Anyone that knows me knows that scheduling a babysitter is at the top of that list, but I'm also learning that so does the completion of Halloween costumes. The topic has been discussed for months, the theme picked and yet I am at JoAnne's a mere 6 days before Halloween purchasing fabric. At this point I have 1-1/2 of the 3 Geisha costumes completed that I will need in 36 hours. And I will also mention that the overall construction, absentee pattern and sewing techniques that I have used would leave a home economics teacher quite speechless. So I'm sending out my sincerest apologies to Mrs. Polson. You taught me better. I might try to finish up tonight, but I've got a mini-Hershey's chocolate bar calling my name...
Friday, October 29, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
One more thing I'm behind on...
Sorry, Blogging World. I am delinquent. It would be one thing if I just haven't been on any blog at all--but I'm the worst kind of blogger...the kind that still reads my favs and then selfishly just goes to bed at night, without even a word to share with others. And I'm sure you've all just been hanging on my every syllable... Okay, maybe it's not that big of a crime. :)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Wordless Wednesday
Monday, August 30, 2010
Firsts and Lasts

I've been thinking a lot lately of firsts and lasts. It's amazing how woven together these two things are, even though they are seemingly complete opposites. For example, this week I took Tess to kindergarten. A first. The kind of first that brings some 5-year old anxiety, a few tears from Mama, and an underlying sense of excitement and beginning. Or is it a last? The last time I'll have her here all day, upstairs humming Disney princess tunes while she colors for hours. The last time I'll have more children at home than I'll have at school. The last time her baby sister will spend each day with her, having someone to play with, look up to, and occasionally steal lip gloss from.
This same week, my mother retired from work. That's a last, right? The last time she has to report to work, the last time she has to calculate hours, request vacation leave and set an alarm. Or is it a first? The first time she can enjoy children and grandchildren with no work schedule to limit time? Is it a beginning or an end? As mothers, are these milestones beginnings or endings?
I can get rather weepy at thinking of the lasts...the last night in the hospital before we take them home...the last night they will sleep in the crib before graduating to a "big girl" bed...the last time they sooth themselves with a paci...the last time they call their big sister "Mymy" because they can't correctly pronounce "Maya." The way I see it, I have a heart-wrenching lifetime of lasts ahead of me as a mom. I can cry (which I have, and do, quite regularly) or I can try to savor what I have and plunge ahead with what is to come. So I'm going to view them as firsts.
This is the first time that Tess is going off to a full day of school, and what a wonderful opportunity, in a fabulous school, with a terrific teacher, it is. This year may be chocked full of firsts--Will she lose her first tooth? Will star in her first play? Will she play a new sport? Make a new friend? Become closer to God? Find a new hobby? Learn how to read? I hope so, and only by trusting in God and eagerly greeting each day will I find out.
Having said that, I'm not quite emotionally stable enough to have our bedtime reading include any of the following literature that adorns our bookshelves: Let Me Hold You Longer, The Night Before Kindergarten, or The Giving Tree and would be happy to loan them out to any Mama that is made of tougher reserves than I at this point.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Halfway to 70!
Well, it's birthday time again for me, and with this one I tip the hourglass closer to 40 than I am to 30. My dear brother called to remind me that I am now 1/2-way to 70. 70 is the new 60, 60 is the new 50, etc. so by the time that trickles down, I'm nearly 20 right? I've had 35 blessed years with a wonderful family and the great friends that God has put in my path. A good "old" friend of mine (in terms of years known, not years lived) had a wonderful idea to pay it forward and celebrate her 35th birthday by performing 35 random acts of kindness. She has been kind enough to post it on her blog, so I may just borrow some of her good ideas. What a great idea. So I vow to pay it forward with 35 acts of kindness to share my birthday celebration with others, even strangers. It will take a while, but I will keep accountable by posting it here on my blog.
Friday, July 16, 2010
A long, hot spell

To give a quick catch-up to those that are interested, I have devised a quiz to offer some insight to our last couple of weeks:
In the last two weeks, our household has seen:
A. A tire blow-out
B. Bats in the attic
C. A child with a fever
D. An injured back (not mine!)
E. All of the above
This week was Vacation Bible School and I got to be part of helping 170 children get to know God better through "Galactic Blast" themed crafts. In this week, the following occurred:
A. One child shot glow-in-the-dark bracelet goo into their eye (mine!)
B. Three year olds "Ooh"-ed at the wonder of scratch-off paper
C. Roughly 1000 feet of yarn was used (sorry for all the moms and dads attempting to keep it all untangled)
D. A two year who has never taken well to the Sunday School nursery turned the corner and came to love "school" (mine!)
E. All of the above
My eldest and I completed our second book together this summer for her book club and:
A. It was the first time I've read Black Beauty
B. I cried
C. I have found that I read slower than my fourth-grader
D. We shared a good book discussion with great friends
E. All of the above
The hot, humid temperatures have meant:
A. Ample time blowing up the pool in the backyard
B. A little more indoor time
C. A few more ice cream cones
D. The need for a few more jogs
E. But wait, it's too hot outside for jogging, refer back to C...
Since my last post, I have been able to spend time with the following:
A. My entire extended Parsley family
B. One high school friend
C. Several college friends
D. Tons of post-college friends, including an out-of-stater
E. All of the above
We got to take in some of the wheat harvest, which meant:
A. The girls all rode in a combine
B. Somebody got something in their eye, wheat stubble scratched somebody's legs, and at least one member of the family had to make do with a camping-style outdoor bathroom experience
C. We all saw the amber waves of grain and appreciated what farmers do
D. Daddy got to help on the farm for five days
E. All of the above
The fourth of July was awfully wet, but we still had fun:
A. At our neighborhood parade & breakfast here at the house
B. At a party in Holton with my sister's family
C. Listening to great organ music in church
D. Lighting a few sparklers & enjoying a dinner with friends
E. All of the above
Well, that sums up the past two or three weeks.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Mercury Rising
Well, it's hot. The mercury reads 95ยบ with 50% humidity. I keep reminding myself of what a blessing this is, as we trudged through feet upon feet of bitter snow this winter. If I can just manage to recall the wondrous variety that God offers us and appreciate it, it helps to keep those sweating, cranky moments at bay.
With the heat, it's prime crock pot cooking time...no need to run the oven and tax the poor air conditioner that tries to keep up in this 103 year old house. So today's crock pot culinary delight is Reuben Chicken. Those little ladies of mine were even more thrilled to venture out in the heat to find out that the reason for our trip was a missing can of...(drum roll, please)... sauerkraut. So, for any other parents out there looking for an easy, sure-not-necessarily-to-delight-the-kids meal, the recipe follows. May you all enjoy the sun that God gave us, the air conditioning that we are lucky enough to use, and the wafting scents of onions and sauerkraut in your homes.
Chicken Reuben
Saute chopped onions in butter in a large skillet. Place half of the chicken breasts in crock pot. Top with half of the cooked onions, half of the sauerkraut, half of the Swiss and half of the salad dressing. Repeat layers. Cook on low for 6 hours.
With the heat, it's prime crock pot cooking time...no need to run the oven and tax the poor air conditioner that tries to keep up in this 103 year old house. So today's crock pot culinary delight is Reuben Chicken. Those little ladies of mine were even more thrilled to venture out in the heat to find out that the reason for our trip was a missing can of...(drum roll, please)... sauerkraut. So, for any other parents out there looking for an easy, sure-not-necessarily-to-delight-the-kids meal, the recipe follows. May you all enjoy the sun that God gave us, the air conditioning that we are lucky enough to use, and the wafting scents of onions and sauerkraut in your homes.
Chicken Reuben
- 1 Tbsp butter
- 1 large Vidalia onion, chopped
- 4 to 6 chicken breasts
- 1 happy-to-go-get-it-in-the-heat-with-the-fam can of sauerkraut (14.5 oz)
- 1 c. grated Swiss cheese
- 1 bottle (16 oz) Thousand Island dressing
Saute chopped onions in butter in a large skillet. Place half of the chicken breasts in crock pot. Top with half of the cooked onions, half of the sauerkraut, half of the Swiss and half of the salad dressing. Repeat layers. Cook on low for 6 hours.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Fathers Day

I would be remiss if I didn't say Happy Father's Day to my father, father-in-law, and hubby today. So here's one for all the daddies out there, especially the one that helps me raise Maya, Tess and Leah...who embraces the pink, sits through hours of ballet recitals, coaches little girls basketball, and does it all with a smile on his face (and for anyone in doubt, that shirt is PALE ORANGE).
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Leah turns two!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Wow--do I fail as a blogger, or what? I'm assuming that the goal of blogging is to amass a few more than an annual post. It's now summer of 2010. Our baby just turned two this week, which seems impossible. It feels like we were just introducing Leah to her big sisters just months ago...how the time flies! Summer is officially in swing: the smell of honeysuckle fills the backyard, the cottonwood tress have released their layers of never-landing "snow" and the lightening bugs dot the nighttime air. I know harvest is just around the corner back on the farm. I am making a vow to myself to post again soon, and upload a few recent pictures as well. For now, adu.
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